Personal Finance – Simple, Boring, Confident

I’ve developed an amateur interest in finance, motivated partly by curiosity and partly by survival instinct (401k’s don’t manage themselves!). It’s been a humbling journey, the more I learn the smaller my circle of confidence becomes.

The output of this effort is an approach to personal finance that is simple and boring. I’ll do my best to capture it here.

First step is to establish a foundation by setting goals, thinking about edge and managing emotions.

Establish Goals

Goals drives everything else. My personal goal is different from a venture capitalist who’s different from a mutual fund manager. “Generating returns in excess of a benchmark” might be critical for them but it’s irrelevant to me and might actually incentivize harmful behavior. I have a single LP to please – me.

A goal must have two components – objective and timeframe. “I want to retire with $x saved, in 35 years.” Are you saving for an emergency fund this year, a down payment in ~5 years, tuition in ~20, retirement in ~35, etc. Each has different time horizons, risk tolerances and liquidity needs.

Identify Edge (or lack thereof)

The market is zero sum; it’s mathematically impossible for everyone to beat the market. You need an edge to outperform.

Identifying your edge (or lack thereof) requires intellectual honesty. I’ll go first:

  • Information edge – no, I’m a retail investor.
  • Technology edge – no, I’ve coded a few tools but they are toys compared to the professionals.
  • Speed edge – not even close.
  • Research edge – no, night and weekends.

Intellectually honest answer – I have no edge. Competing head to head with firms who systematically develop edge is fraught with peril.

Manage Emotions

Humans are not evolutionarily adapted to the task of investing. Our survival instincts drive terrible financial decisions. This needs to be managed carefully. A good place to start is Munger’s Psychology of Human Misjudgment.


With a firm foundation – goals, edge and emotion considered – you can begin the process.

Construct Portfolios Around Goals

Construct independent portfolios that align to each goal. Risk adjust each portfolio based on withdrawal horizon. Short horizons mean low risk and low returns – emergency funds, upcoming down payments, etc. Long horizons, like retirement, allow for higher risk and higher returns. It’s essential to get this match correct.


I don’t have the time or expertise to analyze individual securities. This is further complicated by a lack of edge. While a hyper focused, Berkshire style, allocation of “good” stocks will certainly beat the market long term, that strategy isn’t available to me. And that’s ok.

If I can’t beat the market, but earning mere market returns enable my financial goals, then the optimal strategy is to match the market.

I define “the market” as something close to the Global Market Portfolio. Exact construction is up for debate but it’s important to draw the distinction between this approach and “just track the S&P 500”.

This approach is “index” investing not “passive” investing. There is nothing passive here. It makes active decisions about portfolio construction (Global market vs S&P), fund selection, tax management, etc. Taking a large position in Vanguard S&P 500 (VOO) and calling it a “passive” investment is dangerous. This is an active bet on domestic, large cap companies.

Keep it Cheap

Taxes and fees hurt performance. Buy cheap index ETF’s to minimize fees and hold as long as possible to avoid taxes. Mix in some tax loss harvesting  and utilize tax advantaged accounts wherever possible. Keep it cheap and pay lowest tax possible. Nothing novel here.


This is my process today – simple and boring.  Will it beat the market? No.  Will it underperform the market? No. Managed carefully will it provide the growth needed to accomplish my financial goals? Probably yes.


Psychology of Human Misjudgment

“Bias [arises] from the nonmathematical nature of the human brain in its natural state as it deals with probabilities employing crude heuristics, and is often misled.

When facing a big decision – or a decision under stress – I make an effort to swing focus away from the decision and focus directly on my thought process instead. As Naval puts it “run your brain in debug mode”. Stop execution and analyze, with a dose of intellectual honestly, all the biological and emotional forces at play.

A key benefit of this is the ability to identify bias. Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s partner at Berkshire Hathaway, is systematic in his approach to identifying and removing bias. In “Poor Charlie’s Almanac” he details the “Psychology of Human Misjudgment”, a framework for identifying common bias and making good decisions. Or, not making bad decisions. Here’s the full list:

Psychology of Human Misjudgment

  1. Reward and Punishment Superresponse Tendency
  2. Liking/Loving Tendency
  3. Disliking/Hating Tendency
  4. Doubt-Avoidance Tendency
  5. Inconsistency-Avoidance Tendency
  6. Curiosity Tendency
  7. Kantian Fairness Tendency
  8. Envy/Jealousy Tendency
  9. Reciprocation Tendency
  10. Influence-from-Mere-Association Tendency
  11. Simple, Pain-Avoiding Psychological Denial
  12. Excessive Self-regard Tendency
  13. Over-Optimism Tendency
  14. Deprival Super-Reaction Tendency
  15. Social-Proof Tendency
  16. Contrast-Misreaction Tendency
  17. Stress-Influence Tendency
  18. Availability-Misweighing Tendency
  19. Use-It-or-Lose-It Tendency
  20. Drug-Misinfluence Tendency
  21. Senescence-Misinfluence Tendency
  22. Authority-Misinfluence Tendency
  23. Twaddle Tendency
  24. Reason-Respecting Tendency
  25. Lollapalooza Tendency

It’s useful to be cognizant of all these biases but the following resonated in a big way:

1 Reward and Punishment Superresponse Tendency

I think I’ve been in the top 5 percent of my age cohort almost all my adult life in understanding the power of incentives, and yet I’ve always underestimated that power. Never a year passes but I get some surprise that pushes a little further my appreciation of incentive superpower. —CHARLIE MUNGER, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, 1995

4 Doubt-Avoidance Tendency

“Researchers believe that the doubt-avoidance tendency exists because a brain’s processing load can be substantially reduced if a person rejects doubt.”
— Tren Griffen, The Complete Charlie Munger

8 Envy/Jealousy Tendency

The idea of caring that someone is making money faster [than you] is one of the deadly sins. Envy is a really stupid sin because it’s the only one you could never possibly have any fun at. There’s a lot of pain and no fun. Why would you want to get on that trolley?

11 Simple, Pain-Avoiding Psychological Denial

The reality is too painful to bear, so you just distort it until it’s bearable. We all do that to some extent, and it’s a common psychological misjudgment that causes terrible problems.

14 Deprival Super-Reaction Tendency

One of prospect theory’s most important contributions to finance is loss aversion, the idea that, for most people, losses loom larger than corresponding gains. The empirical evidence suggests we feel losses about two to two-and-a-half times more than we feel gains.

You can explore these ideas more in the last chapter of Poor Charlie’s Almanac.  Or if you prefer an e-book Tren Griffen also has a nice summary in Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor.


The Psychology of Human Misjudgement – Charlie Munger Full Speech

Poor Charlie’s Almanac

Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor

How Artists Work : Grit and Energy

“Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work.”
– Chuck Close

I’ve long held an interest in the mundane aspects of the creative process. On the micro how do the great artists create? How do they make incremental progress on a creative masterpiece? What’s their routine? Do they have quirky ticks? And, most curiously, do they suffer from the same afflictions (procrastination,  self doubt, ebb + flow of inspiration) as us mere mortals?

These questions lead me to the book Daily Rituals: How Artists Work. It’s an easy a read, a collection of 160+ short anecdotes on a wide range of artists from Kafka to David Lynch. It’s meticulously researched and prefers direct quotes to capture descriptions.

Each artist has a deeply personal approach often shaped by individual circumstance. But it’s worth noting two major themes repeated over and over- grit and personal energy management.


The truly prolific show up day after day and produce. They develop a habitual, creative rhythm and rarely deviate from it. Many have an output goal, number of words for example, and won’t quit until it’s met. A few excerpts from the book:

“I have kept the candy – store hours all my life. I wake at five in the morning. I get to work as early as I can. I work as long as I can. I do this every day in the week, including holidays. I don’t take vacations voluntarily and I try to do my work even when I’m on vacation.”
-Isaac Asimov

“I write and write and write, and rewrite, and even if I retain only a single page from a full day’s work , it is a single page , and these pages add up. As a result I have acquired the reputation over the years of being prolix when in fact I am measured against people who simply don’t work as hard or as long.”
– Joyce Carol Oates

King writes every day of the year, including his birthday and holidays, and he almost never lets himself quit before he reaches his daily quota of two thousand words.
– Stephen King

When he is writing a novel, Murakami wakes at 4:00 A.M. and works for five to six hours straight. In the afternoons he runs or swims (or does both), runs errands, reads, and listens to music; bedtime is 9:00. “I keep to this routine every day without variation,” he told The Paris Review in 2004. “The repetition itself becomes the important thing; it’s a form of mesmerism. I mesmerize myself to reach a deeper state of mind.”
– Haruki Murakami

Personal Energy

I first encountered the idea of a “personal energy metric” in Scott Adams’ excellent How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big. The idea is simple, we have a finite amount of energy that ebbs and flows based on timing and circumstance. Rather than resist this it’s better to develop a creative rhythm that acknowledges personal energy and seeks to maximize it. Turns out Scott Adams isn’t the only one with this awareness. Again, back to Daily Rituals:

“When I am working on a book or a story I write every morning as soon after first light as possible. There is no one to disturb you and it is cool or cold and you come to your work and warm as you write. You read what you have written and, as you always stop when you know what is going to happen next, you go on from there. You write until you come to a place where you still have your juice and know what will happen next and you stop and try to live through until the next day when you hit it again. You have started at six in the morning, say, and may go on until noon or be through before that. When you stop you are as empty, and at the same time never empty but filling, as when you have made love to someone you love. Nothing can hurt you, nothing can happen, nothing means anything until the next day when you do it again. It is the wait until that next day that is hard to get through.”
– Ernest Hemingway

Living in Paris in the early 1930s, Miller shifted his writing time, working from breakfast to lunch, taking a nap, then writing again through the afternoon and sometimes into the night. As he got older, though, he found that anything after noon was unnecessary and even counterproductive. As he told one interviewer, “I don’t believe in draining the reservoir, do you see? I believe in getting up from the typewriter, away from it, while I still have things to say.”
– Henry Miller

“I’ve found over the years that any momentary change stimulates a fresh burst of mental energy . So if I’m in this room and then I go into the other room , it helps me . If I go outside to the street , it’s a huge help . If I go up and take a shower it’s a big help . So I sometimes take extra showers . I’ll be down here [ in the living room ] and at an impasse and what will help me is to go upstairs and take a shower . It breaks up everything and relaxes me”
– Woody Allen

The book is packed with many more examples, too many to list here. If you’re interested in the mundane, day to day mechanics of the creative process – or want reassurance that even the greats struggle – check it out.

“My experience has been that most really serious creative people I know have very, very routine and not particularly glamorous work habits.”
– John Adams


Daily Rituals: How Artists Work
Mason Currey
Published 2013

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life
Scott Adams
Published 2013

EV impact on EU car manufacturers

ING predicts the three major hurdles to consumer EV adoption – charge time, range, and price – are overcome by 2024 and by 2035 only passenger EV’s are sold in Europe.

The shift to EV powertrains, which are simpler and requirer fewer parts than ICE powertrains (200 vs ~1,400), would eliminate an important differentiator for European car manufacturers.

ING Research: Electric cars will take over, threatening European car industry

How a Math Genius Hacked OKCupid; And How Distil Would Have Stopped Him

Another post over on the Distil Blog, check it out:

It’s worth noting however that the same techniques this UCLA PhD student employed to scrape OkCupid are also used everyday for more nefarious purposes. Content scraping is big business – attackers do everything from stealing and republishing original content, performing competitive pricing analysis, and more. It can have a material impact on a business bottom line.

How a Math Genius Hacked OKCupid; And How Distil Would Have Stopped Him

Researching Kickstarter: The Data Behind Successful Campaigns

Massively successful crowdfunding campaigns are almost cliche these days. Seems any group of bright, motivated entrepreneurs can pull together a Kickstarter page and the $$$$ will start flowing in.

Unfortunately this perception is wrong. Dead wrong in fact. Like pretty much anything else, the key to executing a successful campaign is planning and preparation. At Flomio we spent the better part of two months prepping for the FloJack Kickstarter campaignWe did a tremendous amount of research and came up with a detailed execution plan before pressing the big, green LAUNCH button.

This post is a cleaned up and repackaged version of the data we gathered leading into the campaign (along with source attributions). Hope you find it useful.

Referrals: The Very Long Tail

Have a look at Twine’s referrers:


Source: Kickstarter Blog: The New Creator Dashboard

Kickstarter isn’t a store, it’s a marketing campaign. Every project founder I’ve talked to has seen this long tail of referral traffic. Coverage in a top tier tech outlet like Techcrunch or Engadget won’t ensure success. Your story needs to stand on its own and propagate far and wide for a successful campaign.

Project Duration: Keep It Short and Sweet

Source: Kickstarter Blog: Shortening The Maximum Project Length

The data speaks for itself – the optimal length for success is between 28 and 32 days. It’s simply too difficult to keep buzz going about your project for longer than that. Backers procrastinate and start losing interest as time goes on.

Pledge Distribution: Inverted Bell

Source: Kickstarter Blog: Shortening The Maximum Project Length

Projects will see a burst of interest in the beginning but this initial wave will quickly wear off as your first and second degree networks become saturated. You’ll need a strong PR campaign full of “spiking” strategies that engage new pockets of potentially interested users (long tail).

Reward Pricing: <$25, $50, and $100


Reward Level


Dollars Pledged













Source: Kickstarter Blog: Trends in Pricing and Duration

For many projects the $100 and $50 reward levels are the money makers. However the smaller reward tiers are by far the most popular (by number of backers). They’re an easy way for people to support and spread your campaign.

Rewards: More is More

Source: ViNull – Kickstarter Stats You Can Use

There seems to be a correlation between number of reward levels and campaign success.

Video Script: Have It Your Way

As a group of left brained engineers, we wanted an objective way of looking at successful Kickstarter videos. We were specifically interested in Pebble ($10,00,00 raise), Twine ($556,000), and Smart Things ($1,200,000).

We couldn’t find any data on the topic so we did the analysis ourselves. We transcribed each kickstarter video using a service called Rev. This cost $20 or so. Then we ran each script through basic lexical analysis tool (here). Here’s what we found:

Run Time: 02:48 02:28 04:22
Total Word Count: 359 449 907
Total Unique Words: 196 206 316
Number of Sentences: 38 30 46
Average Sentence Length: 9.45 14.97 19.72
Hard Words: 8.36% 6.90% 5.29%
Lexical Density: 54.60% 45.88% 34.84%
Fog Index: 7.12 8.75 10

Three successful videos with three distinct styles. Pebble used short, simple sentences to communicate their ideas in a very crisp manner. Twine followed the same but in a slightly less formal way. And on the other end of the spectrum Smart Things had a high-fi video with a long script composed of complex sentences and ‘harder’ vocabulary words.

If you’re interested you can analyze the scripts yourself:

Advice From the Pro’s

[vimeo 44324460 w=500 h=281]

This panel interview is full of nuggets of Kickstarter wisdom. The video reinforces and colors much of the research above. I recommend watching it, then watching it again.

The panel includes:

I’ve included some notes on the topics covered. Any mistakes or misrepresentations are mine. All of the good stuff is credited to Eric, Eddy, and Michael.


  • 30 – 45 days [37 days]
  • <30d projects have highest success rate
  • remind me button boosts commits at the end 


Eric Migicovsky:

  • highly encourage you to be very, very communicative with your backers. as much as you can
  • three a week (in practice turns into once a week)
  • don’t be afraid to post about bad news
  • they’re there for the whole experience -> told a story about a laser catching fire. it’s fun!


Eddy Vroman:

  • have a base reward and an up-sell reward
  • reseller packages: 10 pack, 50 pack, 80 pack (sold 7 of these)

Mike Woods:

  • you have no idea what the distribution of rewards will be – kickstarter is your market research
  • important to keep margins on each reward level the same
  • don’t have too many (< 30)
  • price needs to include: your time, shipping, amazon 3% fee, KS 5% fee
  • pricing rule of thumb for CEE (consumer electronics):
    • wholesale price = manufacturing cost * 2
    • retail price = wholesale cost * 2

Eric Migicovsky:

  • best price at the fold. pick macbook air resolution
  • amortize all costs
  • binary outcome -> go over or fail
  • costing – NRE needed to bring that product to market
  • “we actually needed $150k but went with $115k”
  • chose “$115 not for any good reason”


Eddy Vroman:

  • one of us fully dedicated to press reachout (former PR guy)
  • had a pre-populated list of 300 people (CNET, HN, etc)
  • 30% backers came from Kickstarter, 70% from external (same for Pebble)
  • have good coverage outside of Kickstarter
  • mac blogs, exclusive with CNET
  • nothing happened for first two hours after launch

Mike Woods:

  • pay attention to your backer list (they had an editor from CNET). use their name / email to figure out who they are
  • be really nice to the folks at Kickstarter

 Eric Migicovsky:

  • 30% backers came from Kickstarter, 70% from external
  • Topsy, viral analysis
  • 100 points of contact
  • peak and trough. common KS graph. but other bursts due to blog
  • exclusive launch partner -> senior editor Engadget
  • four or five hours a day doing media stuff. answer all inbound email
  • adstruc :: get quotes, 50% off, $500 for billboard print + install, $10k mo
  • hired a guy to handle twitter launch. respond to every tweet
  • kickstarter referral is totally long tail:
    • FB 3% of referrals
    • Mac Rumors 2.5% [top referring site]
    • KS
    • KS Design
    • Google
    • Engadget
    • etc


Eddy Vroman:

  • nothing happened for first two hours after launch

Mike Woods:

  • figure out the boring parts where you make mistakes, and correct in advance

Eric Migicovsky:

  • overbuilt the PR strategy (JB: I can’t agree with this enough)
  • choose final ID before you launch, can’t change
  • what cool things could we announce midway through to make it better?
    • drop in bluetooth –> bluetooth LE


Eric Migicovsky:

  • keep it simple as possible!
  • colors, options, etc can create a huge combo matrix


Eric Migicovsky:

  • nobody gives a shit about your product at first
  • find people who believe in your product around the world.
  • general video statistic – half the people will stop watching after 45s
  • have everything in text also
  • make the person push the PLEDGE button very quickly
  • be convincing
  • take pre-orders
    • make hardware really cheap. sell 100 rather than 1,000
    • get users. immediate feedback.
    • feedback on production
  • did a lot of work before launch
    • showing it to potential customers
    • showing it to potential copy cats –> have to be ready to go into production
    • copy of product on kickstarter while campaign was underway

Home Alone (or the magic of hallway conversations)


I’m in agreement with Tony Hsieh’s when it comes to the remote worker debate. This paragraph especially resonated with me:

There are doors on all four sides of the {Zappos headquarters}. The employees of the building’s previous tenant went through whichever door was most convenient. We actually lock all the doors from the outside and force employees to walk around the entire building to get to the front door. Even though it’s more inconvenient, we believe this helps our culture because it creates more opportunities for employees to have serendipitous interactions by colliding with each other in the main lobby.

CNN Money:  Working From Home Alone Is The Real Cuplrit:

I’ve worked with both remote and on site  teams and I can say without a doubt: the major breakthroughs – the creative sparks that build into massive step changes – rarely happen on email threads or skype calls. They happen over coffee, hallway chit chat, and lunchtime burritos. They happen in person, randomly, when both parties are at rest and technology is out of the way.

It’s not to say these breakthroughs can’t happen remotely, but in a suboptimal arrangement they occur far less often

Flexible work arrangements should be an integral part of the modern work force (in moderation). However it’s important to recognize the creative cost they can impose.

Home in Flux

A visualized representation of the states I called home during the 2012 calendar year (Flomio’s fledgling first year) –


And my living arrangements during that time –


The Evolving Values of a Young Entrepreneur

A few weeks back a friend of mine shared a copy of Principles by Ray Dalio. The 120p pamphlet outlines Dalio’s core principles on life and how he applied them to his hedge fund Bridgewater Associates. He believes these core principles – and the culture they fostered – are the main reason Bridgewater has become one of the most profitable funds in history.

Dalio focuses on constant improvement, extreme realism, and hyper rationalism as a few of his core values. I won’t try and summarize beyond that. It’s a brisk read, recommend checking it out for yourself.

After finishing it had me thinking… what are my values? I’ve been operating with a gut feel for right and wrong, better and worse.  But I’ve never actually took the time to sit down and articulate my core values. The core attributes that are most valuable to me.

Rather than ponder this question quietly I opted to draft them publicly. Here goes-

My core values (v1.0)

  • Be genuine.
  • Be optimistic. (Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier – Colin Powell)
  • Get shit done. Be reliable. Be timely.
  • No excuses. Identify problems and propose solutions.
  • Think critically. Take nothing at face value.
  • Keep an open mind. Be inclusive.
  • Constantly improve. Reflect and seek feedback.
  • Work smart – focus on high leverage activities. Look for force multipliers.
  • Be extremely selective of your peers (the 5 average).
  • Be aware of opportunity.

I’m sure these will be refined, and improved, with time and experience. Interested to carry out this exercise again in six months and see the delta.